Football / Soccer 

★Attacker → Forward player

★Ball to hand → The ball has accidentally hit a player’s hand,therefore a penalty/free kick won’t be given
★Big man at the back → Big central defender
★Big up front → big central attacking player
★Box to box → Describes an energetic player who gets about the whole pitch

★Close him down → Mark the player tightly
★Couldn’t hit a barn door → A player who is not very good at shooting at goal
★Covers every blade of grass → An energetic player who runs all over the pitch
★Creates a goal out of nothing → Scoring a goal in unlikely circumstances
★Cultured left foot → They play well with their left foot

★Defensive rock → A strong defender that the team relies on

★Early bath → Player is sent off (and can go to take a shower,or bath,early)
★Early doors → Early during the game

★Flanker → A term for winger

★Give it 110%(200%) → Play with all your effort
★Goal-poacher → A clever opportunist player who scores a lot of goals
★Goes in hard → Tackles very powerfully
★Goes in where the boots are flying → A striker who is not afraid to commit himself in a goal mouth scramble
★Good in the air → Good at heading the ball
★Good on the ball → A player who is good at controlling and running with the ball at their feet
★Good shot stopper → Good goalkeeper

★Handbags at six paces → Term used when opposing players argue with each other
★Has a good engine → A player with a lot of energy
★Have a dig → Take a shot at goal
★Hugs the touchline → The player is playing very wide on the pitch

★Jockey for position → When a player moves around a lot to try and get into a better position than the player marking them

★Keep it on the carpet → Play the ball along the ground
★Keep it tight at the back → Make sure the defense is well organized
★Keeper keeps a clean sheet → The goalkeeper has not conceded any goals

★Lethal in the air → A player who is good at scoring with his head
★Let’s his football do the talking → A player who,following a controversial incident,wants to focus on playing football
★Libero → Player who combines playing as a defensive sweeper with creating attacking moves
★Link man → Usually a midfield player who makes a lot of passes between his defense and attack
★Lollipop → Putting the ball through the goalie’s legs

★Man between the sticks → Term for Goalkeeper
★Man on! → Shouted warning to tell your team-mate that they are about to be tackled
★Midfield dynamo → A midfield player with lots of energy
★Midfield general → A midfield player who directs play in the centre of the field

★Narrow the angle → The goalkeeper comes out towards the opposition player who is about to shoot
★Net-buster → A very powerful shot
★Nippy → A quick player
★Nutmeg → Putting the ball through the opponent’s legs

★Opportunist → An attacking player who is always looking to get a shot on goal
★Orthodox winger → Plays out wide a lot and provides crosses to other attacking players

★Play to feet → Pass the ball accurately to player’s feet
★Plays in the hole → An attacker who plays just behind the front player or just in front of the midfield
★Plays safe → The player doesn’t take chances,usually when a defender kicks the ball of the pitch rather than risk losing the ball
★Plays up front → Forward - Attacker
★Puts in an early cross → The player releases a cross shortly after receiving the ball and/or makes the cross before getting near to the bye-line

★Safe pair of hands → The goalkeeper is good and doesn’t take risks
★Set your stall out early → Establish your pattern of play early during the game
★Slide tackle → A tackle that is made by sliding along the ground
★Socks around the ankles → Player has worked hard through a tiring game
★Speedy → A quick player
★Steal half a yard → Anticipate the play and move first
★Striker → Forward player - goal scorer
★Sweeper → Player who operates either behind or in front of the defense

★Takes it to the bye-line → The player goes all the way to the goal-line before making a cross
★Teases the full back → When a tricky player makes it very difficult for the defender to tackle him
★Tricky → A player who is good at dribbling,feinting and doing other things that make it difficult for the opposition to tackle them
★Turns on a sixpence → A player quickly changes direction in a small area

★Utility player → A player that can play in any position on the pitch

★Whips in a cross → The player crosses in a very fast pass
★Wide Man → A term for winger
★Wing back → A defender who also performs attacking duties
★Winger → An attacking player who plays near the side lines

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